I am enough June 2021
Hi everyone,
Hope you are enjoying being out and about as further restrictions have lifted and the weather has improved. What a year it has been for us all so far, so much has happened in terms of the various themes we have experienced from creativity -where we converted our homes into a space for work and /or to home school, to coming up with inventive ways to meet up with friends and family outside, while staying safe… all weather picnics. Another theme may have been around readdressing our values and what we view as important now as we re-emerge from this pandemic. It’s important therefore to take a moment or two right now and sit with all that you have learned about yourself, your resilience, your efforts, your achievements, give yourself the praise you deserve. Well done!!!
All too often we don’t take the time to reflect and the internal voice just keeps hammering on about the relentless need to achieve and be productive. It comes then as no surprise that when we are in class doing our meditation practice a favourite phrase or affirmations (that override the internal critic) is
‘I am enough’.
Most of us have the feeling that we are here to accomplish something big in our lives, and if we haven’t done something that fits the bill we may feel as if we are waiting. In some cases, that may be because we really are meant to do something that we haven’t yet done. But in most cases, we can let ourselves off the hook with the realization that just being ourselves, is enough. When we can look within our hearts to discover what is true for us, what gives our lives meaning, what excites us, we can release ourselves from any pressure to perform that comes from outer influences and is not aligned with our inner sense of purpose. Staying in tune with our own values and living our lives in tune with our own vision is all we need in order to fulfil our time here and we can trust that this is enough.
As classes have officially finished now for the summer, may I just say ‘Thank you’ from the bottom of my heart for your relentless support through a year that has been very challenging for us all at times. Whether it was your feedback via email, or just a message to say ‘Hi’, to attending my online classes via Zoom I appreciate it all so much. If I am being very honest, I was hesitant about how my classes would work on Zoom (as I love the interaction of a ‘live ‘class and the feedback is so important) but going online meant that people who lived far away or on their own could join and that connection was so important, plus anyone who couldn’t make the live class could get the recording. So, even when we hopefully come back to class in person by September, I will still run an online class to cater to everyone’s needs.
I am taking some time off but revert back to being a therapist from
Monday 28th June to Thursday 22nd July
Treatments on offer
Hopi ear-candling
Body Talk
If you wish to book an appointment or would like further information on any of the above you can contact me by email kate@thesangoma.ie