Devotion to Self Experience: Part 2, Sacral Chakra
In this video we explore the notion of thought as energy, but firstly we must examine where our thought patterns originate. As children we glean our ideas and thoughts about our world and ourselves from outside influences, i.e. our family and immediate community. This can hinder our true nature, our passion and our creativity. Becoming aware of conditions, values and belief systems that no longer serve us can help us rediscover our purpose in life.
The second chakra, or sacral chakra, pertains to our creativity and our joy. Bringing our attention to this energy centre is the key to unlocking our true nature and passion.
Find out more about your sacral chakra in this video, Part 2 of your “Devotion to Self Experience”, my gift to you.
Stay tuned for the next video on the third chakra, the solar plexus, which is linked to self-worth and feelings of importance and relevance, and learn about how this influences your life.
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