Feeling the Resistance
Hi everyone,
And welcome back after the long summer. Here in Ireland, we are fortunate enough to be experiencing an Indian summer which is very welcome after our very wet July. I have to say though, that I really do love this time of year… the hedgerows teeming with berries, the branches of the horse chestnut trees weighed down by conkers hidden in their spikey case and acorns from the oak packed neatly in their cup. The slight nip in the evening air heralds that summer has come to an end. And then as if to quell our sadness of this truth Mother Nature treats us to a show of colour. Dark amber, crimson and ochre leaves get strewn across our path by her autumn breeze lulling us gently into winter.
This to me is the ultimate lesson in ‘letting go. We never pause for a moment to think ‘what if the leaves don’t come back on the trees next year?’ We just know they will. Yet when it comes to our own lives far too much of our time is spent resisting change and it’s this very resistance that is the root cause of stress in our body. You have more control than you think over your unconscious thoughts, feelings, reactions, behaviours and choices. By learning how to work with your energy (nervous system) and brain (mind) during meditation, you can create new neural pathways that unravel old patterns and build the foundation for a truly fulfilling life.
Speaking of change, I have decided to change the format of my classes this term as on a personal level I have gained new knowledge doing a course myself this year and I want to share this invaluable information with you. In these classes you will learn:
- How to build an intentional meditation and mindfulness practice, mastering the nervous system (your energy) and reconstructing the parts of your mind that govern your stories about yourself.
- How to centre yourself, relax, become more mindful and aware of your thoughts and the resistance you are holding in your body.
- How to release this resistance through various techniques (that I will share with you in class) and make more space to create a new more fulfilling reality.
I will not be running my Wednesday evening class as another change has occurred in our household. Our youngest daughter has now gone into her senior cycle in secondary school and as she has additional needs, will need extra support for the foreseeable future. I will still be running my Thursday morning class, so you can join in the room or on zoom. You will also receive a recording each week which will lend itself very well to these new classes as you will be able to go back over the content.
Classes start back on Thursday 14th September @ 10am – 11am
They run for a period of 4 weeks
Cost €55 which can be paid via PayPal Here