January 2020 Meditation Classes
Dear All,
Our last meditation class for 2019 was held on 12.12.19, in line with the last full Moon of this decade. It marks the end of emotional healing and letting go of destructive patterns we no longer need as we embark into a brand-new decade.
The energy centre we focused on for the last 5 classes was the 2nd chakra called the sacral or emotional chakra which is associated with feelings of pleasure, passion and creativity. It has also to do with our ability to navigate life changes in a healthy way.
Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the universe’s flow. As the wave rises and falls, we are carried forward, through life’s high and low points. The universe’s flow may take us to a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it can be to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding the wave is intended to make life easier. When you ride the wave, (instead of resisting it) your life can evolve naturally and with minimal effort. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It is an active process that requires you to be attentive, cantered, and awake. You must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave’s motion.
The Sangoma Way Meditation classes for self-awareness will be returning the beginning of January 2020
Classes are as follows:
Mindfulness Meditation Classes January 2020
• Wednesday 15th January @ 7pm
• Thursday 16th January @ 10am
• Thursday 16th January @ 7pm
• Friday 17th January @ 10am
The duration of the class is 1 hour and classes run for 5 consecutive weeks in The Sangoma Way home practice, Cappamore, Co. Limerick.
Total investment for a series of 5 classes is €60 and you can book in advance by paying in full via PayPal Here
Wishing you all a joy filled Christmas and may 2020 bring you health ,happiness and lots of new experiences,
Kate xxx