May 2018 Meditation Classes
Summer sun in all its glory has finally arrived! Those among you who are early risers may be privy to the phenome that is the dawn’s chorus. It usually begins at 4am and is believed to be a mating call among male birds and an establishment of one’s territory. Migrating birds like the Cuckoo make their way back for the Summer and join in this amazing symphony of bird song.
Birds, animals and insects all rely on their intuition to get them through life, a skill us humans have handed over (for the most part) to technology.
In our most recent set of meditation classes, we explored our 6th Chakra or Third Eye which is responsible for our intuitive skills.
Have you ever had a gut instinct and ignored it to later discover you were right all along? That is your intuition! The more we tune into ourselves and become more self-aware the more comfortable we become in trusting this natural skill.
For those of you who would like to explore this more I would like to share this Third Eye Chakra mediation with you Click here.
The Sangoma Way Meditation classes for self-awareness will be returning the end of May.
Classes are as follows:
- SERIES 1: Wednesday May 23rd @7pm (Beginners)
- SERIES 2: Thursday May 24th @10am
- SERIES 3: Thursday May 24th @7pm
- SERIES 4: Friday May 25th @10am
The duration of the class is 1 hour and classes run for 5 consecutive weeks in The Sangoma Way home practice, Cappamore, Co. Limerick.
Total investment for a series of 5 classes is E50 and you can book in advance by paying in full via PayPal here.
Kind regards,
Kate xxx