Meditation Classes April 2016
I recently joined a book club and I am thoroughly enjoying the variety of reading material, the stories and the feedback from others after we have read the books. That is to say if people read the books recommended! Sometimes people are too busy or they just can’t get into it. They find the story depressing or upsetting and don’t like the feeling it is giving them. Some people speed-read through the books just wanting to get to the end while others go straight to the end before they even start! A bit like life I guess and if you were to compare your story to life what kind of read would it be? Would you want to change it in any way… the characters, the setting, the mood or the plot? Is it like a high speed chase or is it predictable and just ambling along? And when you look back over your life story will you leave it feeling “Wow, that was great!” or will there be regrets?
If it’s the latter how can you rewrite your ending? Well, one thing I found really helpful when life was running away from me was to step back from everything and everyone and reassess where I wanted it to go and how I wanted to feel. I was able to achieve this by meditation, taking up art again, and making time for my yoga classes and walks while still rearing my three children and working. My life is more fulfilling and calmer and I am able to embrace all of its experiences without speed-reading through them or jumping to the end.
To help you find your pause button right now, here is a sample of a guided meditation I have recorded. You can play it just below here and I hope you really enjoy it! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to enquire about getting access to the full recording.
For those of you interested in attending an-hour long meditation class I will be running a series of classes at my home practice in Cappamore from April 7th and April 8th 2016 for 5 weeks. The total investment for 5 meditation classes is €50.
Meditation Class Dates and Times
• Meditation series 1 classes start Thursday 7th April at 10am and run for 5 consecutive weeks
• Meditation series 2 classes start Thursday 7th April at 7pm and run for 5 consecutive weeks
• Meditation series 3 classes start Friday 8th at 10am and run for 5 consecutive weeks
For full details and to book your place please contact me now on 087 1323624.
I look forward to sharing this wonderful experience with you!
Warm Regards,
Kate x