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Uncover your inner path

Reap your reward…October Meditation Classes 2022

Hi everyone,

Hope this letter finds you well as we move further into Autumn, when Mother Nature lets go and we can now harvest the fruits of her labour. We also get to delight in her display of colour before we descend into the darkness of winter.

When we wish to create something new in our lives… a new relationship, a job, a new home, healthier lifestyle, we too need to let go of outdated beliefs and habits in order to move into this new phase in a healthy way. Sometimes this may seem difficult as the mind protests as predictable outcomes are no longer guaranteed. This is why we can learn so much from the natural flow of the seasons and how in Autumn nature lets go with the certainty that new life will emerge in Spring

We have been exploring how to give voice to our desires through focused meditation this month using mantras and visualisations to draw upon the creative power of the universe to achieve certain ends which has been a lot of fun. When we affirm that we are fulfilled instead of articulating deficiencies, we are asserting that contentment is a natural and necessary element of human existence. Our essence is an expression of fulfilment – the universe wants to satisfy our needs and desires. When we describe our realities in positive terms, we are not denying the challenges inherent in our existence. We choose not to focus on lack or dissatisfaction because we understand that the energy of our thoughts will determine the response we receive to our entreaties. Ask yourself how you would feel if your wishes were granted and then allow yourself to internalize that emotional state. Try to create a picture of satisfaction so vivid that its reality is unquestionable and confirm with the universe that your vision is fact. At the close of your appeal, express your gratitude as if it is already happening in your life (like the certainty of the seasons) and this will set the creative power of the universe into motion…would love to hear how you get on!!!

And if you would like to join us for the next set of 4 meditation classes, full details are below.


Wednesday Oct 5th     7:30pm – 8:30pm        Zoom/ and in the room

Thursday      Oct 6th     10am    – 11am

Cost              €55

Payments can be made using Paypal click here.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

Kate xxx

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