Summer vibes…my 3rd gift to you.
Hi everyone,
It has been lovely to get feedback from you and how for some the videos have come into your lives at the perfect moment and have helped you work through a particularly trying or difficult situation, while for others it has either helped you start your new mindfulness practise or cement an already existing one.
During the practise in the last video, I invited you to shift your focus on certain images and asked you how they made you feel. The image of the beach at sunset was probably soothing or relaxing while the image of the kite in flight may have let you feel happy and uplifted. This is an exercise to prove how our thoughts have a direct effect on how we feel.
When we describe our realities in positive terms, we are choosing not to focus on lack or dissatisfaction because we understand that the energy of our thoughts will determine the response we receive to our inner desires. This is not about just thinking positive thoughts it’s about letting go of all the energetic ties that keep us harnessed to our past, to our current situation in life in terms of our relationships, work, finances, health and drop into the space away from the analytical mind to create a picture of satisfaction so vivid that it’s reality is unquestionable and to confirm with universe that your vision is fact by going into the feeling that it is already in existence in your life and then by expressing your pure joy and gratitude. By doing this you are acknowledging the truth of your fulfilment which will set the creative power of the universe into motion. To watch this next video, click here and remember to have fun!!!!!
Our meditation classes are starting back on
Wednesday 7th September at 7:30 on Zoom and in the room.
Thursday 8th September at 10am (suitable for beginners)
Friday morning class deferred for the moment
Each class lasts an hour.
Cost €55
Payments can be made using Paypal click here.
Looking forward to connecting with you soon.
Kate xxx